Sunday, 4 November 2012



Finally, finally, finally, finally!

The canarios are ready to be picked. I love the thick, juicy flesh of this Capsicum pubescens.

These four were part of our lunch today. I think I have read somewhere that another name for this variety is "gringo killer". They are not that hot, but can be a little challenging to eat as they are.

And there are more fruits on the plant. A very nice one. I think I will try to cut it down a lot, and try to overwinter it. To get a flying start in 2013.

Wishing you all a great week to come!

Hot regards,


  1. Va kul att du hann få skörd! Ser härliga ut!

  2. Ja, det var ju för väl! Sen står det en avbarrad "Patricia" på bordet. Och så väntar vi på att den risiga cumarin ska mogna. Det blir väl lagom till jul :-)
